Monday, 31 March 2014

Finished Design for Stomacher

Done. Now for the construction phase! The colour still isn't showing up very well. It's much more vibrant when you see it. Thanks to Susan at Victoria Bead Town Designs for the help in finding beads!

This is the stomacher for the Pirates of the Caribbean inspired dress. Hope to get the rest of the dress cut out tomorrow or Wednesday.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Beading For Stomacher In Progress

This is the revised design for the stomacher. I didn't like the way the first one was looking so I scrapped it and started over. This is my first try at beading fabric, so of course, it's nowhere near the level of Michele Carragher's work! But have to start somewhere!

The colour is off because of the bad lighting. The fabric is actually a dark purple, and the flower is outlined in lavender, and the petals are done with hematite coloured beads. The leaves are also outlined in lavender and the leaves themselves are multicoloured metallic beads. Looks much better in person!

Once done, then it will be cut out and used in making the dress seen below. The stomacher and underskirt will be a dark purple taffeta, and the rest of the bodice and overskirt will be purple and black shot brocade. Sleeve ruffles black lace, and it will be laced up the back.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Season 4: Game of Thrones

This is a short trailer featuring the amazing work of Michele Carragher Embroidery. The costumes are sumptuous and absolutely gorgeous! As someone who is just now foraying into beadwork on costumes, I am completely awed by her talent.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Exquisite Costume Embroidery

You absolutely must check out the work of Michele Carragher; her work is exquisite. She does the embroidery and embellishments for the costumes for Game of Thrones. Below are a few pictures. All pictures belong to Michele Carragher.